Lynne Smelser Lynne Smelser

Why Cybersecurity is UNimportant

You’ve just taken the first and most important step out of the mass statistical pool and into the company of those who are as much as 84% less likely to suffer a debilitating cyberattack.

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Lynne Smelser Lynne Smelser

The Cyber Insurance Crunch: Two Big Mistakes to Avoid 

Consider the fact that you’re deploying more technology, storing more data, and letting more employees work from home. That means your exposure to attacks and the potential financial impact of those attacks has increased. 

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Lynne Smelser Lynne Smelser

Compliance and the “Kevlar Receipt” 

The question isn’t whether you should implement a compliance program, it’s how you can most resource-efficiently implement the kind of compliance program that will best mitigate your risk.

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Guest User Guest User

Ready for a Really Bad Day?

Every business has something in common: threats can strike at any time. Hackers are lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike. Will your company be ready?

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Guest User Guest User

Hackers Love to Destroy Backups

Backups are an organization’s security net. If you’ve got a backup, you’re safe even if your system gets hacked, right? 


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Lynne Smelser Lynne Smelser

5 Requirements for an Effective Security Training Program

The goal of security training is to educate your team so they’ll make better decisions when it comes to cybersecurity hygiene. The problem with this approach is that you may be treating it like a tool, meaning it won’t be catered to your specific policies.

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Lynne Smelser Lynne Smelser

Has Your Organization Already Been Hacked?

How can you tell if the cybersecurity you have in place is strong enough to withstand hackers? Well, you really can’t. But you can look at what your cybersecurity is doing and do your best to strengthen it. 

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