Are You Ready to Find Your Way Out of a Minefield Created by Scammers? 

Your employees are standing in the middle of a minefield. 

Every day there are more and more scams just below the surface waiting to create a disaster.  And every day your employees face increasingly smarter scammers.  The days of a Nigerian prince offering millions of dollars has given way to emails that sound legitimate and can deceive even the most alert employee. 

In fact, your most caring, sensitive employee who brings wonderful things to the table in the workplace, possesses many of the traits a scammer most easily exploits.  Even your most confident employee, the one who consistently brags that they’ve never been the victim of a scam and never will, is susceptible. That’s the person who is so sure they’re above scams that they’ll walk right into it. 

The reality is that every member of your team is walking through that minefield. Here are just a few of the landmines waiting for them: 

  • Very public organizations leaking your users’ data from their Salesforce pages 

  • Crypto super scams convincing your users to give away their life savings 

  • Your users are probably impacted by the major ChatGPT data breach 

  • Users being hit by more convincing phishing attacks created by artificial Intelligence 

Some of these attacks will be extremely difficult to spot no matter who you are. This new generation of scammers use magician-grade tricks to penetrate their victim’s circle of trust. They will craft stories that seem believable. They will perfectly impersonate. They will dupe even the most skeptical of us. 

And you want to know the scary part?  These scammers are just warming up! 

 It’s only a matter of time before one of your employees gets attacked.  It may start with a personal account, but soon, the scammer will move upstream onto your network. Your employees need someone who recognizes these risks. Someone who can break through to even the most confident employee (the one who boasts about seeing through the phishing training) and guide them through the minefield. 

Your employees need YOU. 

Right now, your employees may not even realize they are in a mine field.  They’re living in a state of false security. Even if they have some idea of how challenging the terrain is they may not fully understand the consequences of falling for common scams.  

It’s time to train your employees on security and to perform phishing testing.  It’s time to take your vigilance up a notch.  

But let me make this easy for you.  It’s not about overhauling your security program. It’s about evaluating what’s working...and what’s not.  Get a third-party to help you see if your training, processes, procedures and security are keeping your teams safe. 

You might say that you already have an IT person or IT team doing this. I can appreciate that, but how do they detect their own blind spots?  You see, what we’ve found is that the people doing the work—implementing the solutions—have blind spots. It’s no fault of their own. They simply cannot proofread their own work.   

So, the question is: Are you willing to turn down a map with a clear path while you and your employees stand in the middle of a minefield? Today businesses are turning to third-party security assessments and penetration tests to help frame their security risks and get leadership to understand ways to address those risks. 

Scams are not going away, and they are certainly not getting any easier. Consider how a vCSO can help you shore up your security gaps. 


Your BIG Costly Trap: Business Email Compromise Attacks 


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