The Benefits are Obvious

Why should you have a vCSO? Well, there are a ton of benefits to having one.  

With a vCSO, you get a dedicated partner who will help keep your data safe. You’ll gain a new perspective on your security and your vCSO can help you see the flaws that you may have been missing. In other words, you’ll receive... 

Assurance from an outside source that your team is taking the right steps to secure your organization 

  • Everyone is focused on doing a great job. A vCSO will show you exactly what the hackers will see when someone on your team screws up and clicks a malicious link and show you what to do so it doesn’t happen again.  

Easy to understand results 

  • vCSOs will compile reports that are designed to clearly and easily communicate risks to your organization. Learn how easy it is for hackers to get to your information when it isn’t properly protected. Make sure your team is adhering to good cyber hygiene. vCSOs will likely identify information you’ve long ago forgotten even exists.  

  • Measure where your cybersecurity is today. Learn whether data encryption, along with information about what a hacker can see around an infected device. Determine if your network would withstand an attack (even on one machine!). 

Clear steps to address issues with the team and tools you already have. 

A vCSO will work with your current team and use current resources you’re already investing in to address security issues without having to change anything.  

Prioritization of the most important vulnerabilities to focus your efforts.  

Until you see where your data security problems lie, you won’t know where to focus your team’s energy. Validate your security controls are working as expected and where they aren’t working. Your  vCSO will help your team prioritize what will have the most impact.  

Help to reduce your risk of growing attacks. 

Cyberattacks are not going away and until your team and leadership are able to understand the issues and relate them back to your network, you’ll never know how secure your data is. The threat landscape is changing so quickly, it is hard for even competent teams to keep track of everything. A vCSO is exactly what businesses need today. 


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