How Could AI Take Down Your Organization?
You’ve heard of AI. You’ve seen what it can do. But have you thought about how it could impact your organization and your clients?
Because it can. And it could be devastating.
One bot that’s taking the business world by storm is ChatGPT, an AI-powered language generator. It’s a development with lots of potential. It can create human-like responses to a wide variety of queries and prompts. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for information on a specific topic, trying to solve a problem or just looking for a friendly conversation.
ChatGPT is willing to engage with you in a natural and intuitive way. For your business this could mean creating phone scripts, email blasts, or even in-house documentation.
ChatGPT has some impressive language skills. Thanks to its extensive training and sophisticated algorithms, ChatGPT is capable of understanding and responding to complex sentences and topics, which makes it an ideal tool for researchers.
ChatGPT is also always evolving. The more people use it, the more the AI learns. ChatGPT updates and optimizes itself to provide more accurate and detailed responses.
Before we talk about how deadly ChatGPT can be, let’s have it talk for itself.
ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI that uses deep learning techniques to understand and generate human-like language. It has been trained on a massive amount of data from the internet, including books, articles, and websites and is capable of understanding a wide range of topics and responding to various types of questions. ChatGPT can perform tasks such as language translation, summarization, question-answering, and even generate create writing such as poems or stories.
Not bad, right? But it’s still a bit long-winded and robotic feeling.
So, where’s the problem? Deadly seems like a strong term for something as useful as AI.
ChatGPT has simplified things for hackers since it’s good at scripting; hackers can create more legitimate looking spam emails that can have a higher click rate. Imagine a hacker getting into your database and sending out an email blast to your clients and getting everyone to input their sensitive data. Think of the headache that would ensue.
The data that is also input into ChatGPT is public as well. What would happen if a team member used ChatGPT to create some in-house documentation and then ChatGPT was hacked? Your company’s sensitive data would be completely accessible to the bad guys. What would happen then?
We always want you to be alert to the potential dangers. ChatGPT may be a fun and useful tool for you and your business, but it’s not perfect.