5 Signs You Have Weak Cybersecurity

You may think you are doing everything right when it comes to protecting your computer systems, but there’s more to it than just antivirus and a firewall. 

How can you tell if your cybersecurity you have in place is strong enough to withstand hackers? Well, you can’t. But you can look for these five signs to see if you have weak cybersecurity and need to hire a vCSO.  

Here are just 5 ways to see if you have a weak cybersecurity system:  

  1. Your organization has experienced a breach, ransomware, or data loss: Lightning may never strike twice, but in cybersecurity, hackers always come back to their victims. Why? Hackers identify their past victims as future targets. In their eyes, your organization is an easy mark. They already have a playbook from the first time they attacked you; why not come back and see if there are new opportunities? (Sometimes, they even leave backdoors to make the return visit even easier.) 

  2. You can login to your business email or network without being prompted for an access token on your phone: As in, are you prompted for multifactor authentication when you access critical business assets? Hackers are constantly trying to bypass your security, and one of the best ways to do that is to get one of your team member’s passwords. If you aren’t being prompted for an access token when you log in with your password, not only is your data vulnerable. Your entire business is at risk. 

  3. SPAM and unwanted email constantly appear in your mailbox: You probably already know that 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing email. Did you know that 1 in 5 users click on phishing links? We both know that you’d never fall for a phishing attack, but what about one of your crazy-busy-employees? Would someone else on your team click a malicious link?  

  4. You are getting lots of warning messages or popups: Many businesses are just depending on antivirus to protect them, and guess what? Today, antivirus isn’t enough. If you are seeing a bunch of pop-up messages or warning messages, you already have a problem. Chances are high that you’ve already been breached. 

  5. You are allowed to go to any website you choose with your work computer: You’ve never been blocked when attempting to follow a link. Tricking users to click malicious links is the easiest way for an attacker to get into your network. Research has shown that one in five employees will click malicious links in email messages. Blocking those links is a critical component of an effective security program. 

If any of those things have happened to you before, then you probably have a weak cybersecurity system and could use a vCSO. 


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